This is the blog of writer and journalist Andrew Walker. The title comes from Northern Nigeria, where all folk tales begin: "A story a story, let it go, let it come" and end with the saying "off with the rat's head."
Friday, March 23, 2012
"If you Tarka me, I go Daboh you"

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Boko Haram's Abu Qaqa gives press conference
Abu Qaqa: This is an important message on the issue that occupied the media in respect of negotiaitions between our group and the government.
Not long ago, President Goodluck Jonathan made a public statement urging us to come forward for dialogue. He also said we should make our demands clear with a view to resolving the protracted problem in the country.
The first condition we gave was the need for unconditional release of all our members. There was initial meeting between us and the government and in the process, one of our members, Abu Dardaa was arrested in Kaduna.
Since then, we never trusted the government. However, following endless plea by some notable Nigerian, whom we have enormous respect for, we resolved to give another chance.
These people said they would intercede between us and the government, they said they have the capacity and we trusted them, unfortunately however, the opportunity was messed up.
Almighty God has told us repeatedly that the unbelievers will never respect the promises they made. As such, henceforth, we would never respect any proposal for dialogue.
In fact, we have closed all possible doors of negotiation. We would never listen to any call for negotiations. Let the government forces do whatever they feel they can do and we too would use all the warewithal at our disposal and do what we can.
If the government thinks arresting our members will discourage us from launching onslaught, then let them continue arresting and killing our members.
We strongly believe that Almighty Allah will give us the power to catch and prosecute government forces. We are optimistic that we would dismantle this government and establish Islamic government in Nigeria.
Let the federal government and its agents do what they can; and we in return, would also do what we can.
The noble prophet Mohammed was also tried and tested during the war of Uhud, he persevered and at the end of the day, he emerged victorious. The fact is that, we don’t have an element of doubt in our minds that one day, we would surely emerge victorious from this onerous encounter.
We are calling on all Muslims in this part of the world to accept the clarion call and fight for the restoration of the Caliphate of Usman Danfodio which white the white man fought and fragmented. The white man killed prominent Islamic clerics and emirs and also replaced the white Islamic flag with the Union Jack.
We want all our people to come together and restore our loss glory.
Questions and answers
Are you aware of the moves made by Dr Datti Ahmed?
Qaqa:Yes, Datti Ahmed and his people have intimated us that they would make attempt and find a platform on which we would meet with government agents and find solution to the crisis. Datti also assured that he will get back to us on what transpired between his group and the government. We gave him our conditions.
A journalist was threatened, what is your position?
Qaqa: We are following unfolding events. Some people threatened a journalist and he was frightened. The truth is that, the same journalist was the very person that created a link between us and the Datti Ahmed group.
We want to advice him and all journalists not to be deterred by the threat. Journalists must also adhere to the ethics of their professional calling because, all over the world, everybody knows the
role of the journalist. Journalists must remain courageous and upright.The issue of Boko Haram is now a global phenomenon. Some people said government was hesitant by the move by Datti Ahmed because there was no assurance that the move was true?
Qaqa: We are really involved in the moves made by Dr Datti Ahmed because they gave us adequate assurance that they have the capacity to deliver. However, they (Datti and Co) have seen how deceitful the federal government is. As far as we are concerned, we know that the
federal government will not live up to its responsibility. A true believer will not allow himself to be cheated twice.What do you think the FG did that prompted you to back out?
Qaqa: The truth is that we have been doubtful on the seriousness and purposeful commitment of the government. It was the Datti group that thought the federal government could be trusted and they have been disappointed.
Stop proceeds of crime being banked in Britain: Open letter to the UK government
Tuesday 20th March 2012TO:Secretary of State for International Development, Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MPThe Home Secretary, Rt Hon. Theresa May MPCommissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe, Metropolitan Police ServiceAdair, Lord Turner, Chairman & Hector Sants, Chief Executive Officer, FinancialServices AuthorityRt Hon. Malcolm Bruce MP, Chair, International Development Select CommitteeRt Hon. Meg Hillier MP, Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group on NigeriaWe, the undersigned, would like to congratulate the Crown Prosecution Service and the Metropolitan Police Service’s Proceeds of Corruption Unit (POCU) on the successful prosecution of James Onafene Ibori, former Governor of Delta State, Nigeria. We welcome the support for this action from the British government, and particularly the Department for International Development.Mr Ibori was convicted on seven separate charges of money-laundering; one charge of conspiracy to commit money-laundering; one charge of conspiracy to defraud; onecharge of conspiracy to make false instruments; and one charge of property transfer by deception. For these charges he could expect to face ten years in prison.Mr Ibori’s trial has documented the huge sums of money which prosecutors at Southwark Crown Court testified to have been stolen from the public exchequer over the period ofhis terms in public office; £35 million of UK assets traced to him were frozen in 2007, and in total he may have laundered as much as £160 million, according to prosecutors.Alongside that, the trials of Ibori and his associates show that he amassed luxury cars and a property portfolio in two continents including a London mansion bought for £2.2 million in cash.Corruption is a huge drain on the economies of developing nations such as Nigeria.This type of prosecution, consistent with Articles 43-50 of the UN Convention Against Corruption, is enormously important in that it sends a signal that breaking domestic and international laws by stealing public money and using it for private gain and accumulation overseas will not be tolerated. Such international law-enforcementcooperation is essential if the fight against corruption in Nigeria, and in other developing nations, is to move forward.Equally, it is important to British taxpayers, who fund the UK’s commitments as alongstanding and core development partner in Nigeria. It is also important for the UK to show that investments from proceeds of corruption in other parts of the world are not welcomed.The UK has made progress on this issue in the five years since the Financial Action Task Force listed the UK as only partially compliant on customer due diligence in financial services, with important new money laundering regulations coming into force in 2007.However, there are serious concerns about how well banks are actually implementingthese rules. In the banking sector, too many financial institutions seem to be paying little heed to their obligations under know-your-customer and anti-money-laundering legislation. A June 2011 report by the Financial Services Authority found that:• Three-quarters of banks sampled failed to take adequate measures to establishthe legitimacy of the source of wealth and source of funds to be used in thebusiness relationship;• More than half failed to apply meaningful Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)measures in higher risk situations and did not identify or record adverseinformation about the customer or the customer’s beneficial owner;• More than a third of banks visited failed to put in place effective measures toidentify customers as Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs).In addition, James Ibori’s huge property portfolio points us to the key role of the realestate sector and estate agents in helping to prevent money-laundering. The attractive location and prices of the UK property market continue to attract international investment, which sadly includes laundered money.Following the EU’s Third Money-Laundering Directive (2005/60/EC), implemented in the UK as the Money Laundering Regulations 2007, other economic actors in nonfinancial activities and professions, including lawyers, notaries, accountants, estateagents, have a responsibility to require 'enhanced due diligence' measures for new and existing customers that are 'politically exposed persons'.Crucially, these require identification of beneficial owners and the verification of thebeneficial owner's identity. Yet the Ibori conviction raises questions about the checkstaken to comply with these regulations by many of the financial intermediaries that he dealt with, including real-estate agents. How did these institutions ensure that the funds they were handling were not the proceeds of corruption?The Ibori case has also revealed how corrupt politicians can use shell companies to hold their assets, and in some cases hide their identity. For example, IborI’s lawyer, Badresh Gohil, who has also been convicted of money laundering, helped Ibori buy a $20 million Bombadier private jet through a number of shell companies.We therefore urge the British government, financial services regulators, law enforcement and anti-corruption bodies, financial, legal and real-estate professional associations, and private-sector financial bodies, vendors, agents and purchasers of real-estate, to take note of these issues and implement actions including:• Devoting more law-enforcement time and investigative efforts to prosecutionssuch as that of James Ibori;• Educating real-estate and financial services actors as to their legal obligations asregards money-laundering;• Working with professional associations in the real-estate, legal and financialservices sector to establish, disseminate and train on best-practice in combatingrisk from money-laundering;• Continuing to monitor market actors’ implementation of anti-money-launderingcontrols, especially as regards politically exposed persons, and sanctioning thosewho do not take compliance efforts seriously;• Rigorously enforcing the anti-money laundering regulations by carrying out spotchecks on the regulated sector, and where wrongdoing is identified undertakingprosecution, including in the most serious cases, for an imprisonable offence;• Introducing greater transparency over the ownership of shell companies byrequiring companies to disclose their ultimate (or beneficial) owner to CompaniesHouse so that this information is in the public domain;• Support the Nigerian Government to strengthen its anti-corruption institutions andprosecution systems to ensure that future cases of money laundering do not slipthrough its system.We feel that such measures will underline Britain’s seriousness in combating theglobalised menace of corruption and money-laundering, and send a strong deterrentsignal across the world.Yours sincerely,Centre for Democracy and Development, Abuja, NigeriaChristian Aid, London, UKCivil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre, Abuja, NigeriaCLEEN Foundation, Lagos, NigeriaConstitutional Reform Dialogue Mechanism (CRDM), Abuja, NigeriaGlobal Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) NigeriaGlobal Witness, London, UKKayode Ogundamisi, Nigeria Democratic Forum, UKModupe Debbie Ariyo, OBE, Africans Unite Against Child Abuse, London/Manchester,UK Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation, EuropeNigerian Gender Budget Network, Abuja, NigeriaOliver Owen, St Cross College, Oxford, UKPaul Okojie, Department of Law, Manchester Metropolitan University, UKPlatform, London UKRevenue Watch Institute, New York, USARichard Wild, Department of International Development, University of Oxford, UKStakeholder Democracy Network, Port Harcourt, Nigeria/London, UKTax Justice Network, London, UKTearfund, London, UKThe Corner House, Dorset, UKTransparency International UK, London, UKYouth Action Initiative Africa (YAIA), Jos, Nigeria
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The nature of Nigeria: Boko Haram and the botched rescue of Chris McManus and Franco Lamolinara

And it is not just Boko Haram which benefits from the global fear of terrorism. My friend went on to point out that a quarter of Nigeria’s budget of almost $30 billion this year will be spent on the military and security services. The service chiefs will now have to find – or create something – to justify that and keep it flowing.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Round up on the botched rescue of Chris McManus and Franco Lamolinara
Nigerian security agents have been receiving intelligence training from western nations with years of experience in handling terrorism, including the United States and the UK.
Military sources say the training would normally start to show results within 18 to 24 months, about the time since foreign countries began technical assistance to tackle Boko Haram.
A group known as "al Qaeda" in the land beyond the Sahel" claimed in December that it had captured McManus.
From last nights' The World Today, Haruna Tangaza in Sokoto tells them the battle raged for hours and they used a tank to get in:Officials say factions within each of the groups have been in contact with each other. According to Nigerian intelligence officials, members of the more radical Boko Haram factions have received training from Aqim in Algeria and possibly Afghanistan. Aqim is thought to have given Boko Haram advice on urban terrorist tactics and suicide bombings.Aqim has perfected what analysts call a "kidnap economy", thriving off the abduction and ransom of westerners and Africans. It often snatches hostages in one country and moves them across one or more borders, ending up in Aqim bases in Mali. Reports suggest Chris McManus and Franco Lamolinara were moved around but remained within Nigerian borders, which makes it unlikely that Aqim was behind the atrocity.
If this was a splinter group, how did they maintain themselves with funding and supplies?What level now do we put British involvement in this issue?If it is Boko Haram, will they now retaliate?
Thursday, March 8, 2012
McManus and Lamolinara kidnap on Saharareporters
Is it Boko Haram who kidnapped Chris McManus and Franco Lamolinara?
View Nigeria in a larger map
Nigerian hostage rescue failure: Some thoughts
Video showing British and Italian hostage posted to YouTube last year by AFP
Hostages killed: Update and some thoughts
Hostages killed in rescue attempt.
Previously I thought it very unlikely that Boko Haram would have been behind their kidnap, as it was far out of their sphere of influence. It's not inconceivable that they would end up in Maiduguri. It all depends on where this rescue attempt was.
Here's a link to the original kidnap story.